How To Send A Lead
On the Visitors Page, within the Visitor Table, you will find the action to Send Lead.
This feature packages all of the important contact information from a specific company visit and allows you to instantly deliver a Lead Alert Email to the most appropriate person in your organisation to take action.
Go to Your Visitors, located within the Visitor Page.

Identify the business you want to send as a 'Lead'.
Select Action: Send.

Type the intended recipient's email.
A notification will trigger to alert the recipient via email.
This feature packages all of the important contact information from a specific company visit and allows you to instantly deliver a Lead Alert Email to the most appropriate person in your organisation to take action.
Send Lead
Go to Your Visitors, located within the Visitor Page.

Identify the business you want to send as a 'Lead'.
Select Action: Send.

Type the intended recipient's email.
A notification will trigger to alert the recipient via email.
Updated on: 09/02/2022
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